Difficult To Write With Contest

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Here we go again! Back by popular demand is the super creative, seriously silly, always fun


This is not a serious contest, although in many ways it may resemble one. It is a contest for serious penturners to make a not so serious pen. Don't be posting any masterpieces here. There are other, more boring contests for those. This is a fun contest that encourages a little out of the box or lose touch with reality thinking. This contest involves showing really strange looking things that are functional, yet difficult to actually use. And with that, the rules:

Please review the Universal Contest Rules.

1) Your entry must be a functional pen, i.e. if you were able to actually hold it, it would write.

2) You may submit up to two entries, although I can't imagine why you would want to admit being responsible for even one of these things, yet alone two!

3) Entries are submitted by email to Difficult.To.Write.With@penturners.org

A name for the pen and a story about how your wretched piece of uselessness came to be and one (1) photo is required. Your entry must include your screen name, your real name and your mailing address. This is only for the purpose of awarding prizes. I will not post any identifying information here besides your screen name so everyone will know that YOU are responsible for a specific pen. Personally I really could not care less where you live but we need to know so we can ship you a prize if you win. We do not want to hunt for you if you win a prize!

4) Entries will be accepted from Wednesday the 1st of February until Midnight Eastern time, on Monday the 13th of February. Winners will determined by member vote.

5) A poll will be posted on Tuesday the 14th of February. All of the entered monstrosities will be listed. The polls will remain open for 72 Hours.

6) All entry images and comments become the property of the IAP, to use, or dispose of, as they wish.

7) All entries will be posted by me in this forum. You may notice that this forum is locked, and only I can post entries here. Have patience! I am not that fast.

Need some inspiration? Look at last year's entries.

Difficult To Write With Pen Prizes!

First- Elegant lady Pens kits from The Golden Nib, $81, and A Gift Certificate from Alumilite for $25
Second- A Gift Certificate for Dymond Wood from LarryC $50
Third- A BOB from southernclay $25
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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
I and many others are waiting anxiously for your Difficult To Write With creations to start pouring in. Lets see your creative genius!


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Now that I have a few entries I'll post these beauties! Better hurry if you want to get in on this. Entries will be accepted up until midnight tonight.


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH

Submitted by RBcarving.

"Pen-Pala" - This "jointed" fishing lure pen was turned from my own Alumalite casting and placed upon a comfort kit. The piece includes mylar & silicone skirts, triple treble hooks and hand-painted details. The pen writes at the tail end. When I saw the contest posting, I was preparing gear for spring and had a hook embedded in my hand...It was the perfect a-ha moment !!


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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH

Submitted by RBcarvings.

Here, I have discovered the elusive "Caticorn".* This sleek creature displays a Ball-Point horn of turn-crafted architectural foam, specifically designed to provide magical stealth abilities.* These creatures disguise themselves within the feline population and are rarely photographed with their mystical protrusion.* Attempting to write with a Caticorn will produce extreme abrasions, contusions & piercings to your torso & extremities.


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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Submitted by Sylvanite

"Belle of the Ball"
The idea behind this entry is that it would be very difficult to write with a pen if it's point doesn't reach the paper.* Therefore, I set out to make a ballpoint with a nosecone that was recessed in the pen body.* I also thought that the conical shape would be hard to grip.* This pen stands up on its own very nicely, but won't write that way because the point is below flush.** As the photo shows, the pen does write.* Using it, however, was even harder than I anticipated.* Not only did I have to push the paper into the pen to reach the refill, but I also couldn't see what I was writing.* It is a completely impractical writing implement.
I call this pen "Belle of the Ball" because it looks kind of like a handbell, or a stylized female shape wearing a floor-length skirt; and I had to wrap the paper around a glass ball in order to get the pen to write.


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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Bad to the Bone Broadhead Beauty

Submitted by RHolliday

Built on a slimline frame, this creation features 15 broadhead blades normally used on arrows when hunting.* (Never made a pen from an arrow shaft, so I figured the next best thing would be using the blades from the arrow heads.)* I was going to add more blades to the cap end, but I was running low on Band-Aids, so I figured I better stop while I had the bleeding under some control.


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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH

Submitted by Brian G

Do you know a crappy writer?* Tired of that coworker always complaining about writer's block?* Have a boss with cursive constipation?* Well, then PlungePen is just for them!* Yes, PlungePen, a new innovation in penmanship and authorship avoidance gives people like that a legitimate reason for their crappy, writer's block, cursive-less correspondence.* Give them one of these and they won't have to make any other excuses than the PlungePen is just too darn difficult with which to write.* The miracle of PlungePen is the integrated rubber dome that protects the specially formulated and SWAG-centered nib from contacting any surface on its own.* After advancing the nib by twisting the elegantly shaped, walnut handle, just press the base down to contact the paper or other writing surface.* The stone-age engineering requires enough pressure so that the rim of the rubber dome prevents the nib from effortlessly sliding along the writing surface.* NO MORE CRAPPY WRITING!* The harder you press, the less it moves, and the less you write.* Sometimes it even sticks!* Even if the user suffers from writer's block, it . . . just. . . doesn't . . . work!* Even Boss couldn't scribble out cursive prose.* That's the beauty of PlungePen!* You can't see what you can't write.* But wait, there's more!* The double ended celtic knots in aluminum and veneer leave just enough fragility that pressing too hard to activate the ink delivery nib will break the handle sparing everyone from having to read CRAPPY WRITING!* Not recommended for binary coders that can write in ones and zeros.* Not available in stores.* Order yours today!


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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Submitted by Hopco

This is the "Spouse Pen". I pondered long and hard about whether or not to unleash the pictures of this pen, but I figured it was best to inform the penturning public at large that this pen is out there. It appears to be a normal pen, nothing really unusual about it. However, there is a tag on this pen that informs your spouse that, "Honey, I spent 1000.00 dollars on pen supplies". If this pen were to get released at a inopportune moment it could possibly cause extreme emotional and physical damage to the penturner that originally wielded this pen. Ladies and gentlemen, we must be diligent to make sure that this pen is never released out of captivity. For all our sakes, as If it does, may God have mercy on our souls.


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