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  1. J

    Newcomer from Italy

    Hello everyone, I am a 26 yo guy from Italy who has always wanted to use a lathe and in the last three years I've been in love with fountain pens, in these days I thought about the possibility to let these two passion merge. I had a regular small garage woodworking shop, I experienced a bit...
  2. L

    Question - gifts for beginner pen turner

    Good morning everyone! I am buying gifts for a beginner pen turner. He already has a mini lathe and associated attachments, and he requested this pen turning mandrel and barrel trimmer kit...
  3. G

    Debate for Good Starting pen

    there doesn't seem to be a larger debate over a good starting pen for beginning pen turners and while there isn't a actual answer to the question we can at least find a pen that is close enough. I would say a good staring pen would be the Compson which can be found on penn state industries or...
  4. Kburr

    Hi, everyone! I'm New to IAP! Athens, Georgia

    New to wood working! Hometown, Athens, GA.. Go Dawgs!! I'm a mom to a precious two year old girl. My partner and I, recently started a family business, designing resin and wood products! Mostly, rings and pens, but we always enjoy creating something different or collaborating with people on new...
  5. Drummerlucas

    Greetings from Griffin, Georgia

    Hello everyone, My name is Bryan and I am new to turning! I live close to Griffin, Georgia (South of Atlanta) and would love to meet someone nearby that has hands on experience they can pass down to me! I recently (today) ordered a lathe and chisel setup. I bought an Excelsior lathe...
  6. S

    Hello from the Mitten (Michigan)!

    Hi All, I'm brand new to turning. I wanted a lathe for a long time and finally got one for Christmas. I'm having a blast trying to figure everything out, but seeing all the incredible craftsmanship posted in the pics on this forum, I realize I have a long way to go! Thanks in advance to all...
  7. L

    Input needed to beginner's wish list

    Hi Gang! I'm a neophyte turner and I have Multiple Sclerosis. I am looking to supplement my Social Security Disability Insurance by selling high-quality, hand-crafted pens. I'm really fortunate that I am being helped by the State of Washington's Dept. of Vocational Rehabilitation. So, with...
  8. healeydays

    So what do I need as a new turner?

    Folks, Didn't see anything that got into a list of things a new turner need to own, so I thought I would put it out there. Let's say I have a Jet mini lathe straight out of the box, and have never bought anything to go with it to turn pens. The questions are: What do I need to buy...
  9. cschimmel

    Basic Pen Making Video Series Part 2, Slimline

    Here is part 2, Thanks to all who watch and any feedback is appreciated so I can make better videos in the future. Beginning Pen Making Part 2, Making a Slimline Pen - YouTube Chad
  10. spacebrandon

    beginner turner

    i have a few qustions that have been unanswered in the videos the I have seen here they are: Should I use a wax or cream/liquid polish? Do I need a sanding sealer? What is best for the beginner wood or acryilc:rolleyes:
  11. S

    Newbie from Virgnian

    Hello all, Just starting out on pen turning. I'm new to pen turning and turning if general although I am an experienced wood worker (furniture and carving). So far I've completed 9 Slimlines (screwed up on the first of a 10-package), three larger ballpoints, 2 fountains, and 3 rollerballs. I've...
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