Bash 11 Rules Review - The New Contest Contest

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
The New Contest Contest

Welcome to a new contest being offered during the 2015 IAP Birthday Bash, The New Contest Contest. This is a contest that allows members to make suggestions for a new Bash contest for the 2016 Bash and perhaps win a prize for their suggestion of a new contest. Confused yet? Let me explain.

The Birthday Bash planners sometimes struggle to keep contests fresh and interesting for the IAP membership. We occasionally get suggestions for new contests and if possible we try to include those that we can. We have a limited number of prizes to give out and a limited number of volunteers to run the contests so we have to be somewhat selective about what we offer. We attempt to offer contests that appeal to a large number of members.

Here is how The New Contest Contest will work.

In addition to the Universal Bash Guidelines, the contest rules are as follows:

There is a limit of one entry per member for The New Contest Contest. On February 15, 2015 members may post their suggestions for a new contest in this thread. The suggestion must be accompanied by a brief description of how the contest will be administered, what the rules will be, etc. These descriptions do not need to be written in stone but they should give anyone who reads them a pretty good idea about how the contest would work. Suggestions that are too vague will be disqualified.

Immediately after posting the contest suggestion in the thread the member submitting the contest suggestion is to email me at The email is to contain the members real first and last name, IAP screen name, email address and shipping address. The suggestions of members who do not supply this information will be disqualified. Once I receive and open the email I will reply with an acknowledgment of receipt or disqualification. If the email or suggestion is disqualified I will explain why. Time permitting, members will be given the chance to amend their suggestion or email to clarify or provide information. No entries will be received after the thread is closed. The thread will be closed on February 24, 2015.

On February 25, 2015 all of the suggestions will then be posted in a poll for the membership to vote on. The poll will be open for approximately 72 hours. The suggestion receiving the most votes will be used for a contest in the 2016 Birthday Bash and the member who made the suggestion will receive a prize (prize to be determined). The member who wins this contest will not be required to run the suggested contest but may be offered that opportunity at the discretion of the Activities Manager.
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