2016 SE Pen Box Contest

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Jul 11, 2012
Grand Junction, Colorado
Welcome to the 2016 Summer Extravaganza Pen Box Making Contest.

This contest is open to everyone. You are encouraged to think outside the box when designing your Pen Box.

In addition to the Universal Bash Guidelines, the contest rules are as follows:

1- The box should be made to hold one pen.

2- Any materials and methods may be used in the construction of the box and should be readily available to anyone. Since CNCs and lasers are not common in most shops, use of these will not be allowed.

3 - A short description of the box and the steps in creating the box must be submitted with no more than 4 pictures of the box. One picture must show a commercial style stick pen or a "free bee" advertising pen in the box. This is so no one will recognize one of "your" pens.

4-The Pen Box may not have been posted anywhere before the August 23rd deadline.

5- You may submit up to 2 pen boxes in this contest. Each box must be submitted on a separate entry form available here. Although you may submit 2 boxes, you can only win one prize.

6-The contest will start on August 1 and entries will be due no later than Tuesday the 23rd at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

7. Email your entry to 2016SEPenBoxContest@gmail.com A separate email must be used for each entry.
Pictures will be posted and a poll or polls will be taken to determine the winning 3 pen boxes. Voting will last for 72 hours after posting the poll. Depending on the number of submissions, we may need to have more than 1 poll to select the winning Pen Box.

8- All entries will be posted at the same time following the contests deadline. This will give all entries the same time "in the spotlight".
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