Decaling Question

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Sep 17, 2007
Waterbury, VT, USA.
For those using the Testors model decal system, is it necessary to buy the kit and software to use this? Or can you just use the decal paper and bonder spray if you want to use other images?
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From what I have read, you can use any photo shop type program, to edit and create images. The kit testor sells comes with a couple sheets of paper and image cd and the bonder. You can buy an bonus cd that has more images and the software. My question is if you really need the bonder, if your using a ca finsih over the decal?
You need the bonder to seal the ink from the printing. You do not need the program as it is pretty cheaply written. I use Word and first print on a piece of paper and then tape a cut piece of the decal paper on it. It works so far but I have been having problems with the CA finish over the decal.
It is my belief, from reading and other IAP folks using the system, that the bonder is necessary. According to the Testor's website,

"Testor Decal Bonder is the final step in producing a custom decal. Once the decal has been printed, allow the ink to dry, then spray on a few mist coats of Decal Bonder to seal in the decal. The Decal Bonder produces the "carrier film" of each decal. Without the decal bonder, the decal image would disintegrate once put in water. An absolute must for Testor Decal Paper"
You need the bonder to seal the ink from the printing. You do not need the program as it is pretty cheaply written. I use Word and first print on a piece of paper and then tape a cut piece of the decal paper on it. It works so far but I have been having problems with the CA finish over the decal.


Nice tip regarding the way to print. I assume you mean:

1 - Print image on regular paper
2 - Cut a slightly large piece of unused decal paper (to cover the image & leave a slight border)
3 - Tape (scotch tape?) the decal paper over the printed image on the plain paper
4 - Reprint the image (this time on the decal "patch")
5 - Spray the bonder on to "set" the decal
5 - Remove the decal from the paper & apply

Do I have it correct? Any issues removing the tape or is it better to cut the printed decal from the paper between the tape edge and the image border?

I can't claim credit, someone (I can't remember who, getting old I guess) pmed me with that method and I have only used it four times so far. He recommended blue painters tape but I think I used scotch tape. After spraying I let it sit overnight to dry. I also resize the image with word which allows you to use actually sizes and then I hold the printed page up to the pen to see how it will look before I print it off.
I was confused on what the bonder was actually used for. I thought it was used for an adhesive. I did not realize until I read some more on it this morning that its actually used to bond the ink to the paper. I guess I need to read better.
You do not need the Testors bonder. I use a spray clear that can be bought anywhere (Rustoleum I believe) and it works great. It is much less expensive and get a lot more. All the bonder/clear does is keep the ink from smudging. My printer uses waterproof ink so the water isn't the issue, but it will smear.
I have also printed image out to see where it will be on the paper and then cut a section of decal and tape it on the paper. also I have just use defft spray over the decal and it seals the ink.
Ive made decals and used clear deft spray with no problems. Like said above, you are only sealing the ink so it doesnt smudge. a couple light coats and let it sit.
I went to Michael's yesterday and they didn't have it the decal kit. I'll check the model shops. They should have it. I want to make commemorative pens for a VW campout we're doing in a couple months.
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