Dice box- Bois De Rose

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Mar 2, 2024
New Jersey, USA
Hey all,

Wanting to post my own personal dice box that I made. It's made of Bois de Rose, and was such an incredible wood to work with!! I'm still learning how to properly finish this species, as retaining the beautiful fresh deep red has been a challenge. I've used different variations of wax, friction polish, and Milk Paint's Half & Half oil on a few pieces, but nothing has kept the brilliant hues over long periods of time. I think I'll be trying lacquer next.

In any event, hope you like this box! It's meant to protect a full set of 7 polyhedral dice (since they can get pretty pricey), with an integrated rolling tray on the top half for protection while rolling (no more scratches from rolling on hard surfaces!). As with all my pieces, this was made out of a single piece of wood to ensure continuity of the grain pattern throughout. Yeah, the piece has a crack or two in it- since it is my own dice box, I didn't want to use any sort of filler, as keeping the wood as close to natural as possible is important to me. Gotta keep it au naturale šŸ˜Ž Also, those box corners were a PITA to install lol

The hardware on this is from smallboxhardware. : )

Bois De Rose 1.jpg
Bois De Rose 2.jpg
Bois De Rose 3.JPG
Bois De Rose 4.JPG
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Jun 9, 2017
Columbus, Nebraska, USA
Gorgeous box, and a great wood.

Thanks for posting, I've often wondered how one would make the cavities to fit polyhedral dice. Forstner bits I presume or did you use some kind of router template? I assume the lid was don with a router template.

Very Cool - I'm sure my oldest son would love to have one of these for some of his prized dice.



Jul 11, 2012
Grand Junction, Colorado
Very nice looking box! It seems like the rolling tray is kind of narrow for throwing the dice. My grandkids would have most of the dice miss the tray! (Of course they don't play with expensive dice - yet.)
Mar 2, 2024
New Jersey, USA
Very nice looking box! It seems like the rolling tray is kind of narrow for throwing the dice. My grandkids would have most of the dice miss the tray! (Of course they don't play with expensive dice - yet.)
Thank you! It takes some getting used to, rolling on a tray that isn't as wide as normal, for sure. It was the best way I could figure out to give enough space to actually roll the dice (by increasing length) while still maintaining a smaller form factor and price. If I went wider, the prices of the wood goes way up : ( I find it better to allow the dice to roll a longer distance than some of the smaller rolling trays I've seen at 6-8"
Mar 2, 2024
New Jersey, USA
Gorgeous box, and a great wood.

Thanks for posting, I've often wondered how one would make the cavities to fit polyhedral dice. Forstner bits I presume or did you use some kind of router template? I assume the lid was don with a router template.

Very Cool - I'm sure my oldest son would love to have one of these for some of his prized dice.

Thank you so much! I do sell these, so I could make him one if you like ;) Yep, Forstner for me!
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