majestic junior

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  1. TurnTheWorldAround

    Cosmic Tie Dye Blank - Majestic Junior Rollerball - 22kt Gold Chrome - Components

    First and foremost, I want to give a huge thanks to the team responsible for organizing the Midwest Penturners Gathering in Chicago a few weeks back. It was an incredible experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in penturning. It's a fantastic opportunity for learning, creating...
  2. rizaydog

    Resin Saver

    I am looking for a place to buy a resin saver for the Majestic and Majestic Jr. pens. I've seen them, but never a place to buy them. Anyone know where I might find them?
  3. C

    PSI Tycoon & Majestic Jr Nibs .....

    Had a gentleman tell me elsewhere that these now come with a stock Jowo nib, can somebody else please corroborate this for me? As expected, am new to fountain pens, have a couple customers that want one, I don't want to tell them something that's not true, and I want to make sure I give...
  4. A

    My first fountain pen

    I turned my first two fountain pens this today. I have not bought a fountain pen kit before because I rarely see fountain pens used but then I thought, why not? I owned a fountain pen years ago and I love how they write. Since this is a high end pen for me, I used a blank called Fiji Blank which...
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