My PITH from Edgar - Beyond Generous and Thoughtful.

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Mar 9, 2014
I asked for a birdhouse instead of a pen because my wife loves them; we still have the one Edgar made us years ago. Let's just say he not only delivered on the BH!

Edgar PITH.jpg

Here is Edgar had to say about the wood:

Silky Oak is not really an oak, it's actually a type of mimosa. It gets its name from its grain pattern which is similar to oak. It's a "hardwood", but it's actually quite soft and extremely easy to turn.

What he didn't know was that only a few month ago (like 3), I became a fan of homemade honey. The pen was accompanied by a custom made pen holder which proudly sits on my desk.

Thank you Edgar!
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New Member Advocate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Alvin, TX 77511
Thanks for the kind words, Tony. I'm really happy to hear that Lori likes the birdhouse. This was my favorite one so far & my wife asked me to make a similar one for her.

The birdhouse body, pen, stand, & blanks are all from the same piece of Silky Oak that I found at Winkler's in Hawaii a couple of years ago. I really like the grain of this wood & I've been wanting to make something from it ever since I bought it. This was the perfect opportunity.

The honey is labeled as "Texas wildflower" honey, but it's a blend of many different flowers. Stroopes places a couple thousand hives on properties in our county and the two predominant sources of thei nectar are Chinese Tallow and honeysuckle. But we also have wild roses and a variety of other planted & wild flowering plants to keep the bees happy & busy.

Thanks again for the beautiful pens you sent to us. I really enjoyed this pith and look forward to another.


Nov 29, 2006
Canberra, A.C.T., Australia.
Tony and Edgar really loved the swap and the kindness it engendered. PS I have a few different pen blanks of Silky Oak including Black Silky Oak. The normal or sometimes Northern Silky Oak here in Canberra was used for the internal joinery in housing around the 1930,s and furniture.

A few tears ago we had a uSA Western Style Hat Maker visit us here in Canberra ,he was given a 14kg plus billet to use in his demo,the poor guy broke out in hive reaction covering a fair part of his body,it has this effect on some people.

Thank you for being among the nicest people on this forum,I look forward to posts from you both.Kind regards Peter.


Mar 9, 2014
Thank you for being among the nicest people on this forum,I look forward to posts from you both.Kind regards Peter.

Edgar deserves the kind words. I am definitely not one of the nicest, but I am one of the more vocal. There are many, many folks here, they we do not hear from as often (as me), but have shown me an unbelievable amount of undeserved kindest and generosity. Thanks for the compliment though.

Ok., just made a few pens, going to take my wonderful wife and dogs for a ride (gas is cheap here :)) and window -shop from my car window. LOL.
I am very grateful that so far my family and friends (and I) are not ill, but I am getting bed sores :) from all of the naps that I am taking during this hopefully temporary crisis.
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